On August 22, 1993, I became the happiest woman in the world. No, really, I did! No one else could compare their joy to mine that day because that was the day that Jim Bob proposed to me, and I accepted with an "absolutely, positively, definitely YES!!!!!" (I really knew what I wanted ;))
We've seen our share of struggles, joys, dreams come true, and some broken times, but here we are, four children, at least four homes, and four states later, just the same and yet completely different, and I love him more each day.
I bless that day, the day I became his bride! Little did I know then that it was just a simple foreshadowing of the joy I will feel when my Heavenly Bridegroom comes to take me as His own.
I am blessed. Truly, I am.
Father, I thank you for making me Jim Bob's bride that day fifteen years ago. You were so gracious to me then, as You always have been. Thank you for Jim Bob. Please bless him in all he does, and keep him strong in You. Thank You for preserving us to this point... please never stop. I ask, more than anything, that our love for each other will continue to grow strong in the years to come, and glorify You in the process.
You have been so gracious to us, Father. I bless Your holy Name. I ask that our marriage will always be a beacon of hope to our children and all who know us. In Jesus' Name I ask it.
Jesus said to him, “ ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” —Matthew 22:37-40
LORD, You will establish peace for us,For You have also done all our works in us. —Isaiah 26:12
Hi Amy,
Happy anniversary!
How odd that we both started up writing again...
I enjoyed reading through your blog. I love your living room. Robin's Egg Blue is also one of my fav colors. My mom painted her northwest bedroom that color and its very nice.
I'd love to get together again in real life.
Write me, I lost oodles of email addresses in a puter crash last spring. mkbrenneatnetinsdotnet
Thank you for you prayers!
Hi Amy! Happy anniversary! I remember the day you got engaged, and of course, the day you got married! Congratulations! Love, Beryt
Thank you! I know you remember that day... it seems like yesterday, doesn't it? I am glad I got to share those precious moments in my life with such a sweet friend! Have I really known you that long?!?!
I am so glad you are writing again as well! You are such an ispiration to me, and yes, I would LOVE to get together again soon!
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