We met and had the opportunity to spend time with so many wonderful brothers and sisters in the Lord this weekend! Our time with them ended finally this afternoon after we had hosted our last guest from the conference.
To start, I would like to thank all of the sweet people who came up to me and told me how wonderful they felt the conference was for their family. Many people told me what a great job my Jim Bob did putting together the conference. I agree. It really was a time I know that our entire family will remember for years to come. We made some permanent changes in the way we do things as a result of the conference, and there are many other things that we are going to begin working on as a family due to what we learned from these men and from the families He put us in contact with this weekend. Praise God for His faithfulness never to leave us lying in the same state of sin, but He instead constantly challenges us and urges us onward, upward to be more like His Son!
I want to also thank Margaret Doskey, my "friendly internet stalker," for making a point to come up and introduce herself to me. What a doll you are, Margaret! I so enjoy reading your blog, and now I can actually say that I've not only met you in person, but that I have made a new friend! I was so touched just watching you and your daughter sitting together during the conference. I could see that the two of you have a special relationship by the interaction between you. What an encouragement! Jim Bob and I were blessed by your and Conrad's offer of hospitality! We really do plan to take you up on it sometime soon. What a joy to know that we have godly friends just on the other side of the state! You two were a highlight of our weekend! (How come we never did get a picture of us together? ;( )
We also were blessed with the opportunity to spend the Lord's Day afternoon with the Serven Clan who did a Psalm Sing before the conference began on Day Two. Thank you for blessing our home and lives with your gracious family spirit! Thank you also for keeping one eye closed to the state my home was in after the last week of getting all of the details together for the conference. You all blessed us in a very big way by singing the Genevan Song (from A Journey Home) with ds#1. I know that blessed his little socks off to get to sing tenor with you! I think we all have such fond memories of our time together. We will post the pictures as soon as we get them back.
To the Carpenters and your beautiful family: thank you for following up and asking us to meet up with you today. We enjoyed getting to know you better, sharing a meal, and hearing of your future projects at Franklin Springs Family Media. We spent some time this evening watching Ken's video documentary, The Peasall Sisters: Family Harmony. Now, if the Howards could just figure out how to carry a tune like that! We might not scare off everyone who hears us singing! We look forward to spending more time with you in the near future. I will post pictures soon of our time with your sweet family.
It is getting very late here and I think I better go to bed so that I can be of some assistance to my husband tomorrow in the post-mortem wake of the conference! What a joy to be in this place and to know that the Lord fore-ordained that we should meet all of these brothers and sisters. We have been graced by His presence this weekend and are so thankful for all He has done for us and for all of the answered prayer regarding the conference. He is so good to us. We praise Him for His faithulness!
Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming...
One of these days...I'll sign up at blogger in order to not be "Anonymous"!
I sure enjoyed meeting you and your precious family! We are looking forward to hosting you whenever you come.
We sing not so on tune, either...but that has never stopped us from making a "joyful NOISE"! lol!
Blessings! Margaret in VA
We will be contacting you soon. Thanks for your precious heart. We are looking forward to spending time with you guys! Maybe we can all make a joyful "noise" together then!
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