Well, it's been a lot of work, but as usual, the results were worth the effort. Tonight the children and I went to the Generations Conference put on by the Highlands Study Center, where my hubby works. The speakers this year are Howard Phillips, Doug Phillips, R.C. Sproul Sr., and R.C. Sproul Jr. Tonight, the speakers I (mostly) heard where Doug and R.C. Jr. Just one question remains after this evening: Could God have been more gracious to place us in this place? I don't think so. We are surrounded by those who truly live out their faith, but we also get to attend these conferences in which the most historic events happen!
Have you ever heard these fathers and sons speak of their love and mutual respect for one another? It will blow you away! I left there this evening with the feeling that godliness was all around me and just "oozing," as I told a friend, from these men! You cannot help but be affected by it and desire to walk a closer walk with our Lord and Savior. I left there this evening wanting to turn my heart ever closer to my children, and toward my own parents in HONOR.
Doug Phillips' talk this evening was quite convicting. When we disobey God by dishonoring those He has placed in our lives through slander, malice, gossip, or by simply not considering them in a place of honor, we are inviting God's judgment on our lives. Those He has placed in our lives deserve the utmost in honor that we can give... even when it's difficult. O.K., so I've got some work to do... don't we all?
I can't wait until tomorrow's talks... I think I'm just a glutton for punishment! ;)
P.S. Tomorrow morning, we get to do a Psalm Sing in four part harmony with the Servens of the Genevan Foundation! I got to meet Elizabeth Serven tonight. What a joy to finally meet her!
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