Monday, September 15, 2008

A Baby is Born... and Amy was there!

I just received the following photo of Amy who is still at the hospital with our friends who are now the proud parents of their ninth child, fourth son.

A covenant child is born... and a faithful friend is there!

What a blessing it is for me to be able to work from home, so that she can minister to others like this!

--Jim Bob, for...


LynAC said...

He's yummy! Sweet plump cheeks! Can't wait to see him. Are you doula-ing now?

Amy Howard said...


I don't know that I'm officially a doula yet, but I really enjoyed the experience. I've been to a few other births and I love rejoicing with the parents!

Amy Howard said...

Oh, and yes, those cheeks are very plump! Did you know that there is sugar to be found on baby necks? I had to kiss that off as well!

Mama said...

What a blessing! I hope to be in the same position one day, ministering to mothers. Sorry we missed you the other day, but thanks for the invite! Please keep us in mind for next time!