Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Modest Dress Info Exchange: Outage

Technical Support Update

As of 9:27PM EDT, June 21, the forum seems to be back up. Let's pray it stays that way! ;)

Billy Joe Jim Bob (Amy Joe's technical support arm)

Technical Support Notice

Of course, the day after I create this forum and Amy starts telling folks about it, they decide to work on the server. Here's a note from, the host of the Modest Dress Information Exchange forum:

Our technicians will be working on this server throughout the day. It will probably be on and off. Once the issues are resolved it will run as steady as the other servers.

Sorry for the inconvenience,
...and like Limez, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. It should be back up soon and working smoothly after that.

Billy Joe Jim Bob (Amy Joe's technical support arm)

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