To my dear blogging friends who so graciously read my posts and even check in frequently when I haven't gotten around to posting anything for a couple of weeks,
Thank you for your continuing interest in my random postings, thoughts, dreams, and adventures. I will be posting more heartfelt musings and ponderings of our great Lord and King before long, but for now I must be content only with a brief check-in from time to time. Many things are going on here in the Howard home, too many for me to write about at present, but as soon as I can, I will fill you in. Suffice it to say that we are in a time of refining around here. We are praising the Lord for His graciousness to us in this time and for making us more like Himself in the process. Where refining is happening, there is gold to be had in the end, and we have no doubt that He is hard at work to reveal greater treasures in us that are of Himself than we could ever have asked or imagined. He is so very faithful.
So, in the meantime, I will be posting pictures of some of the cute things my children have done, or of the incredible beauty of autumn in our area, curriculum for this year, or of things we've done (like an upcoming picture of my first venture into making sourdough bread from scratch and an art project for the living room that we are all going to work on!)
Thanks for hanging in there with me!
Glad to hear it and am looking forward to reading more from you. It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces at Presbytery! What an encouraging time!
Hang in there. God is good. : )
The Serven Clan
Praying for God's infinite wisdom for your future!! You are always a blessing to me!!
Hugs and kisses,
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